Thursday, July 21, 2011

ChalkShirts Goes on YouTube

Go check out our first ChalkShirts YouTube video.  Let me know what you think.



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ChalkShirts Goes to Leavenworth WA

Earlier this spring I went with my family to the Alpen town of Leavenworth

Downtown Leavenworth
 What a neat town!  It was surrounded by beautiful mountains, had a gorgeous river running through it, a really neat downtown with lots of fun shops and restaurants, the Nutcracker Museum, and wonderful music in the town square.
I found many occasions to write on my Chalk Shirt.  One was while listening to the music.  I have always enjoyed Bavarian music and this group was not an exception.  They had great upbeat tunes and of course, "Yodeling," and I like yodeling.  Because I can write, erase & write again, I was perpetually changing the message or drawing on my shirt.  I the upright base player found it very amusing and I even got him laughing a couple of times.  As you can see below, one of the messages that I wrote was, "Yodeling Rocks!"

As Leavenworth has much to offer the traveler, we moved on and so did my message.  It now read, "Top of the morin' to you."  I was outside a shop waiting for my crew (family) to come out when a couple walked passed me.  They suddenly stopped, reversed course, looked closely at my shirt, then quizzically asked, "Didn't you have a shirt on that said "Yodeling Rocks!"?"  I erased "Top of the mornin'" and wrote "Yes."  They thought it was a kick, smiled big and went on to enjoy the rest of their day.

As you can imagine I had many other opportunities to brighten some body's day.  For instance, when we were at the Nutcracker Museum I was inspired to dawn a chalk drawing of  a nutcracker on my shirt.  Or when we were at the Gelato Store "Viadolde!" I wrote "I love Gelato."  It put a big smile on their face and the gentleman behind the counter asked if he could get "a shirt like that?" 
"Yes, absolutely! Go to"

We had a wonderful trip to Leavenworth and my Chalk Shirt got a lot of use.

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or your Chalk Shirt story.

Thank you,

Friday, July 15, 2011

ChalkShirts Goes A-Blogging

Hey you ChalkShirters,

Just giving you all a heads-up.  A ChalkShirts blog is comming.  It will be a place where you will be able to see what is going on with ChalkShirts and a place where you will be able to find good ideas on how to communicate your thoughts using your Chalk Shirts.

Thanks for stopping by,