Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ChalkShirts Goes to Leavenworth WA

Earlier this spring I went with my family to the Alpen town of Leavenworth

Downtown Leavenworth
 What a neat town!  It was surrounded by beautiful mountains, had a gorgeous river running through it, a really neat downtown with lots of fun shops and restaurants, the Nutcracker Museum, and wonderful music in the town square.
I found many occasions to write on my Chalk Shirt.  One was while listening to the music.  I have always enjoyed Bavarian music and this group was not an exception.  They had great upbeat tunes and of course, "Yodeling," and I like yodeling.  Because I can write, erase & write again, I was perpetually changing the message or drawing on my shirt.  I the upright base player found it very amusing and I even got him laughing a couple of times.  As you can see below, one of the messages that I wrote was, "Yodeling Rocks!"

As Leavenworth has much to offer the traveler, we moved on and so did my message.  It now read, "Top of the morin' to you."  I was outside a shop waiting for my crew (family) to come out when a couple walked passed me.  They suddenly stopped, reversed course, looked closely at my shirt, then quizzically asked, "Didn't you have a shirt on that said "Yodeling Rocks!"?"  I erased "Top of the mornin'" and wrote "Yes."  They thought it was a kick, smiled big and went on to enjoy the rest of their day.

As you can imagine I had many other opportunities to brighten some body's day.  For instance, when we were at the Nutcracker Museum I was inspired to dawn a chalk drawing of  a nutcracker on my shirt.  Or when we were at the Gelato Store "Viadolde!" I wrote "I love Gelato."  It put a big smile on their face and the gentleman behind the counter asked if he could get "a shirt like that?" 
"Yes, absolutely! Go to"

We had a wonderful trip to Leavenworth and my Chalk Shirt got a lot of use.

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or your Chalk Shirt story.

Thank you,

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